
An observable<Args...> represents a thread safe publish/subscribe system. The to main operations are emit and connect.

emit is a simple_future<> that safely resumes all waiting subscribers allowing them access to the given parameters. For safety the parameters of emit and forwarded into a safe location. As to ensure no copies are made, move objects in as arguments. emit will resume the caller only once all observers have received the publish, and have finished with the data. There is a async_emit for pushing ab emit in the background. Deconstruction of the observable<Args...> when async_emit are running is undefined behavior.

connect is a simple_future<> that safely subscribes to an observable<Args...> and returns an observer that can be used to await for publishes. co_await observer on resumption will return an observer_guard that ensures the lifetime of the published values. The published values can be accessed through const std::tuple<Args...>& observer_guard::event().

using string_observable = observable<std::string, std::string>;

your_class::subscriber(string_observable& _ob)
    auto con = co_wait _ob.connect();

    while (true) {

        auto guard = co_await con;

        const auto&[s1, s2] = guard.event();

        /* On guard deconstruct the publisher is notified that all    */
        /* observers have finished and the strings are deconstructed  */


    string_observable ob(engine_);


    while (true) {
        co_await ob.emit("hello", "world");

template<typename ...Args>
class zab::observable : public zab::engine_enabled<observable<Args...>>

Public Types

using super = engine_enabled<observable<Args...>>

Public Functions

inline observable(engine *_engine)
template<typename ...PArgs>
inline simple_future emit(PArgs&&... _args)
template<typename ...PArgs>
inline async_function async_emit(PArgs&&... _args)
inline guaranteed_future<observer> connect()
inline simple_future disconnect(observer &_observer)
inline simple_future await_disconnect()
struct internal_observer

Public Functions

inline internal_observer()
inline ~internal_observer()

Public Members

std::mutex mtx_
pending_result *result_
std::coroutine_handle handle_
thread_t thread_
class observer

Public Functions

inline observer(observable *_ob, internal_observer *_internal)
observer(const observer&) = delete
inline observer(observer &&_move)
inline observer &operator=(observer &&_move_assign) noexcept
inline ~observer()
inline auto operator co_await() noexcept

Public Static Functions

static inline zab::async_function destroy(observer &_observer)
class observer_guard

Public Functions

inline observer_guard(pending_result *_result)
inline ~observer_guard()
inline const std::tuple<Args...> &event() const noexcept
struct pending_result

Public Members

async_latch *latch_ = nullptr
std::tuple<Args...> *items_ = nullptr
pending_result *next_ = nullptr